Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virginia


Arcola Slave Quarters

Arcola Slave Quarters, Loudoun Co, VA (38.946844, -77.528538)

(a) West Duplex Felling Date: Winter 1811/12 and Spring 1813

(b) East Duplex Felling date:Winter 1844/5

(a) Ceiling joists (5/7) 1812 (¼C3), 1802, 1793; Rafter 1802 (+9 NM); Door lintel 1811(C); Stud 1754. (b) Ceiling joists (8/10) 1844(C5), 1842, 1835, 1823(+22 NM). Site Master 1570-1844 ARC (oak) (t = 7.0 VA2008x; 6.9 WATVA; 6.7 PIEDMONT; 6.7 UTCx1).

This one-story stone, gable-roofed building consists of a pair of duplexes, each with two first-floor rooms. The rooms were once separate compartments, each accessed via single doorways set in the south façade. The western duplex was built first around 1813, which also included a small cellar under the western room with external door. This building was then extended to the east in 1845 by a further two rooms.

Miles, D W H and Worthington, M J, 2009 ‘The Tree-Ring Dating of Eight Virginia Slave Buildings’, unpublished ODL archive report 2009/05.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

