Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Maryland


Best Farm Detached Kitchen

DETACHED LOG KITCHEN, Best Farm, Frederick County, Maryland (39.37022N; -77.39859W)

Felling Dates: Spring 1817, Winter 1817/8

Logs (6/8) 1816(¼C), 1817 (C), 1804 (+11). Site Master 1739-1817 MCYx1 (t = 8.62 DC-AREA; 8.54 MD2009; 7.32 KEEDSITE; 7.15 DRN.

The Detached Log Kitchen at Best Farm was originally a small one-story notched log addition located to the rear (west) of the Main House. This building is believed to have served originally as a detached log kitchen, and is thought to have been incorporated into the main house through a frame infill addition added ca. 1870. A frame second story was added to the building at the same time. The log kitchen has been severely impacted by termite infestation, and most of the log members were removed in 2007 and replaced with dimensional framing. A small section of the log crib was retained as an "artifact" of the original log building during stabilization in 2007.

Worthington and Seiter 2011 The Tree-Ring Dating of the Detached Log Kitchen, Main House Cellar, Secondary House, and Corn Crib at Best Farm and of the Thomas Farm House, all at Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick County, Maryland. Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2011/04.

Link to the National Park Service page for Best Farm here




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230




25 E Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

410 929 1520

Best Frm Main House

MAIN HOUSE CELLAR, Best Farm, Frederick County, Maryland (39.37022N; -77.39859W)

Felling dates: Winter 1794/5, Spring 1795

Site Master 1728-1794 MCYx2 (4.82 MCYx1; 4.77 MCYx5; 4.61 MCYx3: 4.49 LBENNETT).

The Main House at Best Farm is a two-story, multi-part dwelling house constructed primarily of stuccoed stone with a log and frame addition. The building faces generally northeast (towards the original alignment of the historic ca. 1748 Georgetown Road) and is situated on top of a knoll on the west bank of the Monocacy River. It is attributed to the Vincendière family, who acquired the land that it is situated on in 1798, although they may have been occupying it as early as 1794.

The Main House was constructed in several phases. The earliest portion consists of the south wing of the house, which is made up of a stair passage, cellar, and two south rooms; this portion of the house originally had a hipped roof. A two-story, four-room north addition was constructed relatively soon after the original south wing, and initially had a shed roof.

The above picture shows the Main House in the foreground with the Detached Log Kitchen at the rear.

Best Farm Secondary House

SECONDARY HOUSE, Best Farm, Frederick County, Maryland (39.37022N; -77.39859W)

Felling dates: Winter 1817/8

Logs (3/6) 1817(C), 1815. Site Master 1741-1817 MCYx3 (t = 6.92 DRNx4; 6.73 ANTIETAM; 6.47 DC-AREA).

The Secondary House at Best Farm is a two-story stone and log dwelling house located northeast of the Main House. The first story is constructed of stone and the second story is constructed of log and is believed to have been a later addition. Two doors on the ground level face east toward the Georgetown Pike (present-day MD Route 355). The structure probably had an elevated gallery or porch on its west elevation to access the second-story doors that face the main house. Interior refinements, including plaster walls and ovalo-architrave moldings, are similar to those in the main house, suggesting that the secondary dwelling may have been used to accommodate the large Vincendière household, including other French refugees. The Secondary House was stabilized in 2005. 

Best Farm Corn Crib

CORN CRIB, Best Farm, Frederick County, Maryland(39.370278N; -77.39896W)

Felling dates: After 1849, after 1851, after 1880, and after 1892

Offcuts (5\5) 1849(H/W only), 1851(H/W only), 1880(H/W only), 1892(H/W only). Site Master 1726-1892 MCYx5 (t = 7.24 MCYx3; 5.79 MCYx1; 5.71 ALLENS; 5.34 MD2009)..

The Corn Crib at Best Farm is located to the northwest of the Main House. It is a timber-framed structure with vertical wooden sidings and a tin roof, all supported on stone piers, and a large opening in each gable. This building served dual functions: the central drive-through was used as a wagon shed to shelter farm equipment while the cribs on either side were used to store and dry corn. The Corn Crib was stabilized in 2010.  


Worthington and Seiter 2011 The Tree-Ring Dating of the Detached Log Kitchen, Main House Cellar, Secondary House, and Corn Crib at Best Farm and of the Thomas Farm House, all at Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick County, Maryland. Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2011/04.

(Photo courtesy of Ken Lund.)

Link to the National Park Service page for Best Farm here