Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Maryland


Linchester Mill

Linchester Mill, Preston, Caroline Co, Maryland (38.83316, -75.83554)

Primary Construction Phase Felling Dates: Winter 1823/4, Spring 1824

(a)Post 1823(24C); Girts 1823(16¼C, 22¼C); Brace 1799. Site Master 1592-1823 LMP (t = 6.5 UTCx1; 6.38 RED; 6.25 MTVx2).

Linchester Mill is a two and a half story frame structure, four bays long and two bays deep, with a two story lean-to addition on the east side and a one story lean-to addition on the west side. The original 1824 building was 3 bays wide, with the additional bay being added on the west side around 1880. The western lean-to addition was constructed prior to 1900 and the east one was built by 1918 based on datable photographic evidence. The roof is steeply pitched, covered with raised seam tin and has recently been replaced based on historical photographs. The front (north) façade, which faces the road, has a large gull wing awning also covered in raised seam tin. The primary entry is on the west side of the north façade. The building is faced in 20th century weatherboard that has been painted red and is erratically fenestrated on the first floor.

Worthington, M J, and Miles, D W H 2009 ‘The Tree-Ring Dating of Linchester Mill, Preston, Caroline County, Maryland’, unpubl ODL archive report 2009/14

Link to The Maryland Historical Trust site for this building here.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

