Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - North Yorkshire UK

North Yorkshire UK

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HAROME, The Manor House (SE 644 820): Inserted floor

Felling dates: Spring 1570

Longitudinal beams 1569 (28¼C, 29¼C). Site Master 1391-1569 RYEDALE1 (t=6.9 NORTH; 6.8 LEOMSTR2; 6.7 YORKMED)

The thatched, open hall, Manor House was built at Harome around 1550 on land owned by the Lords of Ros and Helmsley. Originally of single storey four-bay cruck construction, its central hall, used for the Manor Court, was flanked by a solar to the east and service rooms to the west. The solar end has an inserted floor with wide planks laid parallel to the joists. This floor is supported by two longitudinal beams, both of which produced tree-ring dates of 1570. A later inserted floor over the hall has since been removed, leaving only a main floor beam. At a change of tenancy in 1600 the insertion of a staircase leading up to a bedchamber was recorded, and this may relate to the present solid-tread oak staircase and the missing hall floor. By 1800, the service rooms had gone, replaced by an external stone wall, and an outshut was added to the south. Partly ruined, the house was presented and moved to the Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton-le-Hole, in 1970, when it was restored and re-thatched. Its crucks (dated to 1530-75 by Ruth Morgan, VA 19, 1988, 45) are the largest yet found in NE Yorkshire. Comments compiled with information provided by D E Haddon-Reece.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

