Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virginia



Bloomsberry, Mechanicsville, Virginia (37.625712, -77.149678)

Primary House Felling Dates: Winter 1791/2, Summer 1791, Spring 1791

Site Master 1555-1791 (white oak) BBVAx1 (t = 8.49 MFVAx1; 8.01 BPTS; 8.01 LGS3). Site Master 1639-1790 (yellow pine) BBVAx2 (t = 7.66 PHW; 6.86 SJC; 6.41 VAPINE2B). Individual Sample 1703-1790 (white oak) bbva1 (t = 7.37 BFS3; 7.25 howardba; 6.19 fenwick). Individual Sample 1722-1790 (white oak) bbva3 (t = 6.75 GCVAx1; 6.08 OTHS3; 5.97 GLOx1).

Bloomsberry is a single-story, timber-framed structure with an attic featuring dormer windows and a brick English basement.

Dendrochronological analysis has shown that the building was constructed from timbers felled in the spring and summer of 1791 and the winter of 1791/2, suggesting that the building was constructed at this later date or shortly thereafter.

Worthington and Seiter 2024 "The Tree-Ring Dating of Bloomsberry, Mechanicsville, Virginia." Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2024/01.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

