Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virgina


Elkington, Eastville

Elkington, Eastville, Virginia (37.360909, -75.974691)

Felling Dates: Shipwreck Timbers Spring 1791, Summer 1791, Winter 1791/1

Site Master 1685-1791 (oak) EKVAx1 (t = 6.98 EYREHALL; 5.91 WNRVx2; 5.82 WLVx1).

Located on a neck of land that is watered on the north by a short wide creek known as the Gulf, Elkington is a two-story frame house located on flat farmland about a mile and a half west of the county seat of Eastville. It features a dogleg arrangement of the staircase in the rear north side of the entrance passage with an uneven arched underside of the second flight dividing the passage into two distinct spaces. The house is almost identical to Eyre Hall in terms of its plan. (Carl Lounsbury 2019, pers. comm., 11 December ).


Worthington and Seiter 2019 The Tree-Ring Dating of Elkington, Eastville, Virginia. Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2019/14.




The Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory provides cutting-edge commercial dendrochronological services to homeowners, architectural historians, and cultural resource managers. READ MORE

Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

