Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virginia


Garthright House

Garthright House, Mechanicsville, Virginia (37.588047, -77.278433)

Primary House Felling Dates: Winter 1791/2

Site Master 1692-1791 (white oak) GTVAx1 (t = 9.55 lghs5; 7.77 PIEDMO; 7.02 MONYP).

The Garthright House is located within Cold Harbor National Battlefield Park, the site of a Civil War battle in 1864. The earliest part of the house was originally a one-story brick structure consisting of three bays, which was later raised to two stories and expanded with a two-bay wood frame addition that rests on brick piers. Dendrochronological analysis has shown that the original part of the building was constructed from timbers felled in the winter of 1791/2, leading to the conclusion that the house was constructed at this time or shortly thereafter.

Worthington and Seiter 2023 "The Tree-Ring Dating of the Garthright House, Cold Harbor Battlefield Park, Mechanicsville, Virginia." Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2023/14.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

