Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virginia
Primary House Felling Dates: Winter 1764/5
Site Master 1585-1764 (yellow pine) PHVAx1 (t = 7.53 ATHx1; 7.02 LVNx1; 5.84 WVVAP).
Pleasant Hall is a two-story, five-bay, Georgian-style brick dwelling. Dendrochronological analysis has shown that the building was constructed from timbers felled in the winter of 1764/5.
Worthington and Seiter 2023 "The Tree-Ring Dating of Pleasant Hall, Virginia Beach, Virginia." Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory 2023/21.
The Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory provides cutting-edge commercial dendrochronological services to homeowners, architectural historians, and cultural resource managers. READ MORE
Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory
25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230