Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - North Carolina
Primary House, Felling Dates: Winter 1820/1, After 1824
Site Master 1703-1824 (yellow pine) WWNCx1 (t = 8.94 cnca; 7.48 ihs9; 7.10 SUNAx1). Site Master 1679-1744 (yellow pine) WWNCx2 (t = 6.07 HQFx; 5.48 VAPINE2B; 4.87 HQFx7).
The William H. Winslow House is a single-story framed structure in the process of being moved prior to its restoration.
Dendrochronological analysis has shown that the building was constructed from timbers felled in the winter of 1820/1. Although the dated sample wwnc4 gave a felled-after date of 1824, the gable end that this sample came from has signs that it was altered for the insertion of a brick chimneystack, which may be the reason for the later date of this timber.
Worthington, M J, and Seiter J I, 2022 ‘The Tree-Ring Dating of the William H. Winslow House, Belvidere, North Carolina’ unpublished Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory Report 2022/19.
The Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory provides cutting-edge commercial dendrochronological services to homeowners, architectural historians, and cultural resource managers. READ MORE
Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory
25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230