Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - Virginia


Logan Farm

Slave Cabin, Logan Farm, Ivor, Isle of Wight Co. VA (36.9048, -76.8972)

(a) Re-used timbers Felling Date: Winter 1785/6

(b) Present structure Felling Date Winter 1837/8

(a) Ceiling joists 1785(C2), Door post 1785(C). (b) Studs 1837(C), 1826; Ceiling joists (0/1); Braces (1/2) 1784), Post (0/1); Corner post (0/1). Site Master 1702-1837 LGN (pine) (t = 6.2 BAC; 6.0 FSQx2; 5.7 SJC; 4.8 VA021)..

This frame duplex of 1837/8 is of one story with an attic, under a gable roof covered with wooden shingles. It has horizontal siding and rests on brick piers. Each of the first-floor rooms is accessed via a single doorway located in the east facade, with an added third doorway in the west wall of the south room. A substantial brick-lined cellar is positioned beneath the south room in front of the hearth. The partition appears to be comprised of reused siding boards, and several of the structural members also appear to have been salvaged from an earlier structure dating to 1785/6. There is no stair to the attic, but empty mortises in the joists in the north room suggest its possible location. At present, a section of flooring covers the joists above the south room, but it is unclear whether the space was floored originally.

Miles, D W H and Worthington, M J, 2009 ‘The Tree-Ring Dating of Eight Virginia Slave Buildings’, unpublished ODL archive report 2009/05.




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Contact Information

Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory

Michael Worthington
Jane Seiter, Ph.D

25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230

