Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory - North Carolina
(a) Primary House, Felling Dates: Spring 1840, Winter 1840/1
(b) Repair phase, Felling Date: Winter 1811/12
(a) Bottom plate (0/1), Joists (0/4), Rafters (5/7) 1840 (C,C), 1839 (¼C), 1786, 1805. (b) Post (0/1), Stud (0/1), Packing piece (0/1). (c) Tiebeams (0/2) Site Master 1709-1840 SUNAx1 (t = 7.70 SJC; 7.56 FSQx2; 7.52 LGN ).
The Hunters Mill Place is located at 14 Silver Spring Road, south of the center of the town of Sunbury in Gates County, North Carolina. The main historic house on the property was originally a single five-bay structure. A cross wing was added to the north gable at some later date, turning the structure into a T-shaped building, and a number of later additions have also been added to the primary structure.
Dendrochronological analysis has shown that the original five-bay structure was built in the winter of 1840/1 or shortly thereafter. No dates could be found for timbers from the north cross-range or from two reused timbers from an adjacent barn, all of which were sampled in the hopes that they could help in dating the primary structure.
Worthington, M J, and Seiter J I, 2011‘The Tree-Ring Dating of Hunters Mill Place, 14 Silver Spring Road, Sunbury, Gates County, North Carolina’ unpublished Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory Report 2011/08.
The Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory provides cutting-edge commercial dendrochronological services to homeowners, architectural historians, and cultural resource managers. READ MORE
Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory
25 E. Montgomery St.
Baltimore, MD 21230